
This blog is really more of a scrapbook. A collection. A collection of things that have inspired me over this past semester.

It’s for a class. We are creating a hodgepodge modge-podge of ourselves and others. Remix.

Using a collection of things, (compilations) we create a portfolio (composition) that we feel represents others and ourselves.

It’s like Pinterest. Only different. Because it’s not Pinterest. It’s a blog.

So, dear reader, be prepared for “randomocity”–a term I’ve created to denote the unpleasant situation when random pieces of material are collected and supposed to form a picture of a person or a group. All I can say is I hope that in real life, I’m not quite as sharp and contrasting as the materials collected. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I’m not exactly a book of scrap pictures, quotes, ideas… Does that make sense? I’m not a postmodern piece of art. I’m more like a puzzle. Each piece is different–different colors, pictures, shapes, sizes, but in the end, it makes one coherent picture. I’m made in the image of the God of creation. Not myself. Not society. Not others.



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